Forest research and innovations

We have unique opportunities to use our vast forest assets as a platform for innovations and development. Through research and collaboration with a wide range of partners in business and academia, we are continuously updating our processes and working methods based on new insights. In long-term projects conducted with customers, start-ups, and research institutes, we’re working to invest in new ideas, fine-tune our offering and improve our shared tomorrow.

Healthy forests drive development

Our long-term forest management build on the latest advances in understanding how to increase tree health and forest growth. This requires access to the best seeds, seedlings and planting methods, combined with the use of big forest data and precision forestry.

Forest sustainability in focus

Collaborations with leading academic organizations are crucial to us, and support our continued transformation into a renewable materials company. With extensive research collaboration between industry and universities, we can get one step closer to new innovations. Since 2020, Stora Enso has collaborated with the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). The research focuses on renewability and sustainability within forestry and bio-based materials in four main areas: biodiversity, adapted forest management, remote sensing technology, and life cycle analysis.

Technology drivers for forest innovation

Stora Enso aims to run a data-driven organization using artificial intelligence and predictive analysis. In the forest, a prime example is using drones for stock inventory and surveying storm or pest damage. The new forest health data can be used to plan forest management, timely silvicultural work and harvest. Precision forestry using drone monitoring and other automation can offer new opportunities to monitor forests, optimize and increase the value for forest owners and the industry at large.

Digital forest twinning is the future

Using laser scanning technology has revolutionized forest inventory. The scanned images let us view the shape, height and diameter of every single tree, but also the overall landscape view. Combined, it makes up a “digital twin” based on big forest data. It helps us carry out forest work more precisely, in the right place at the right time. As the forest data evolves, so does the forest’s digital twin. We can use artificial intelligence and predictive analysis to plan, counteract or handle changed circumstances, increase the yield, and improve working conditions for our employees and contractors.

Strategic research collaboration with The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)

Stora Enso has signed a strategic partnership agreement with The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). SLU and Stora Enso aim to establish a long-term collaboration in research and development, education, competence building, and innovation within the fields of forestry and bio-based materials.The collaboration will strengthen competence development of staff members at Stora Enso and SLU. The collaboration focuses on four integrated areas:

  • Biodiversity - forestry with increased nature values
  • Growth and yield-adaptive forest management
  • Remote sensing - technology and use in forestry
  • Life cycle assessment - forestry and climate

Strategic research collaboration

The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) has signed a strategic partnership agreement with Stora Enso. The strategic collaboration focuses around biodiversity, forest growth and yield, remote sensing and life cycle assessment.

Explore SLU's collaboration site

Our products offer solutions to climate change

Combatting global challenges such as climate change does not happen in isolation. Value-chain emissions often represent the largest portion of companies’ carbon footprint. Therefore we are also committed to the target of reducing scope 3 GHG emissions by 50% by 2030 from the 2019 base-year.

Read more on our Annual Report 2021

Are you a start-up and wish to cooperate with us?

If you are interested in exploring possibilities for cooperation with us, get in touch. 

Business Lab by Stora Enso