Arches in waterways

Waterways and arches help fish

When our roads cross streams, an arch can make a big difference. It improves the hiking trails and creates better play areas for fish and other aquatic organisms. Trout, freshwater pearl mussels and many other species benefit from the environments made possible by the arch.

During the summer, Stora Enso Skog installed arches in several places in the region Bergslagen. This is done so that the road drum does not become a barrier and to be able to create a natural bottom so that fish and other aquatic animals can move freely along watercourses.

- When a road drum is to be replaced, I have contact with fisheries conservation associations (Fiskevårdsföreningar), study maps, see how the stream in question goes both upstream and downstream before we come to a decision on what measures are need to have as good and natural an environment as possible in the stream, tells Evelina Hultgren, road manager Bergslagen. Many knowledgeable colleagues are also extremely valuable.

Arches can be relevant in both large and small watercourses. What determines is what the stream looks like and what species are found in the current stream and in other watercourses connected to it.